The DIR Floortime approach addresses each client in as a unique person.
(D) What are their Developmental/functional capacities?
(I) Each child is an Individual and should be treated as such.
(R) In order for the best learning to take place we must build a solid Relationship. James Comer (1995) puts it well: “No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship.”

This includes working with parents, caregivers and educators to help children/students to develop the following Functional Emotional Developmental Capacities (FEDCs):
- Self-Regulation and Interest in the World (earliest emergence 0 to 3 months)
- Engaging and Relating (earliest emergence 2 to 7 months)
- Intentionality and Two-Way Communication (earliest emergence 3 to 10 months)
- Complex Communication and Shared Problem Solving (earliest emergence 9 to 18 months)
- Using Symbols and Creating Emotional Ideas (earliest emergence 18 to 48 months)
- Logical Thinking and Building Bridges between Ideas (earliest emergence 3 to 4 1/2 years)
For older children:
- Multi-causal and Triangular Thinking
- Gray-area, Emotionally-Differentiated Thinking
- Growing Sense of Self and Reflection on an Internal Standard
For a more detailed description of DIR Floortime, and how it can be used to help children to engage and relate, please read this article from our blog: Using Floortime.
ICDL- International Council on Development and Learning is “The Home of DIR® & DIRFloortime®, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to redefining and promoting each child’s development to their fullest potential. Dr. Stanley Greenspan, led the movement to implement a revolutionary approach to understanding and improving a child’s development… understanding child development and providing support and intervention that helps children reach their fullest potential. DIRFloortime® (also known as Floortime®/TM) uses the DIR® foundation to provide an intervention for children with Autism and other mental health and developmental disabilities that has been shown through research and practice to be very effective.”
“All children have within them the potential to be great kids. It’s our job to create a great world where this potential can flourish.” – Stanley Greenspan, MD in Great Kids