Orofacial Myofunctional Questionnaire Fill Out the Orofacial Myofunctional Questionnaire Myofunctional Questionnaire Please complete this form to the best of your abilities. Today's Date:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Child's First Name* First Child's Last Name:* Last Date of Birth:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Phone*Email* Medical HistoryHow many weeks gestation was your child born at?Please list any relevant birth history:Including: loss of oxygen, fetal distress, NICU stay, and any other complications during pregnancy, delivery, or the newborn phase.Dentist Name & Phone NumberOrthodontist Name & Phone NumberENT Name & Phone NumberDate & results of most recent hearing screening:My child has had recurring ear infectionsYesNoHow many ear infections has your child had in the last 12 months?Please select all that apply: My child has frequent colds or is frequently congested My child has had sore throats and/or Strep Throat My child has had Bronchitis My child breathes from their mouth (instead of their nose) My child has seasonal allergies My child has had Sinusitis My child has been seen by an ENT My child has pressure equalization tubes placed in their ears My child has hearing loss My child's tonsils and/or adenoids have been removed My child has had a lip or tongue ties revision (clipped, lazer) My child has cardiac health concerns My child has experienced a high fever or measles My child has frequent headaches My child has seizures My child has experienced other injuries, surgeries or medical concerns not listed If any boxes are checked above, please elaborate, including age diagnosed, severity and other pertinent information:Feeding HistoryPlease do not skip this section, even if you do not have feeding concerns.Breast Feeding HistorySelect all that apply. My child: Latched immediately following birth Had trouble latching at birth but eventually figured it out Third ChoiceHad trouble latching at birth and breastfeeding was unsuccessful Has/had a shallow latch Uses/used a nipple shield to successfully breastfeed Uses/used a supplemental nursing system (SNS) Uses/used a finger feeder Uses/used a syringe for feeding Bottle Feeding:Please list any and all bottles and/or feeding systems attempted to date:Please add any additional information that you feel is important to share regarding breast or bottle feeding (e.g., if you worked with an IBCLC or other feeding therapists, if you needed to triple feed your baby, etc):Age my child ate cut up table/finger foods (ex: peas, rice, dices peaches):Age my child drank from a straw cup:Age my child drank from an open cup:Age my child used a spoon and fork independently:Age my child weaned from breastfeeding:Age my child weaned from bottle feeding:Age my child weaned from pacifier use:Age my child weaned from sappy cup use:Please check all apply to your child: Thumb or finger sucking Nail biting Lip biting, licking, sucking Tongue Sucking Cheek/object chewing Clenching/Grinding Teeth Extended pacifier or sippy cup use Excessive Drooling Strong food preferences Low volume of food Low appetite My child has a feeding tube My child has a history of reflux/GERD My child has other gastrointestinal issues (please explain below) Strong preference for certain tastes or textures My child is a noisy eater ( e.g., chomps or smacks when eating) My child is a messy eater (e.g., food falls out of mouth) Eats no fruits Eats no vegetables Has difficulty chewing; may pocket food or hold onto it for long periods of time My child takes large bites My child takes small bites Coughs or chokes on food frequently Hiccups after eating Burps during or following a meal/snack My child complains about stomach aches My child eats less than 10 foods My child eats less than 20 foods Where does your child sit during mealtimes/when eating? Infant seat High chair Booster seat Held in caregiver's arms Regular chair Child stands Child wanders around On a caregivers lap Sofa Crib/bed *Other (describe below) *Other location:My child ate their first birthday cake.YesNoPlease explain any difficulties or concerns regarding feeding:Social HistoryWhat opportunities does your child have to play with kids their age?Does your child prefer to play alone or with others?Nighttime/Sleep BreathingPlease check all that apply to your child: Snoring or audible breathing Gasping for air/cessation of breathing Mouth Breathing Lips apart/Mouth Open Restless Sleep/Moves a lot Sleeping in strange positions Multiple awakenings Enuresis (bedwetting)/or getting up multiple times to urinate. Sweating Bruxism (teeth grinding) Hyperextension of the neck during sleep Awaking tired, in spite of ample sleep How many hours per night does your child sleep?