Gwyneth Joyce, MOT, OTR/L
Occupational Therapist
Part of the Emerge Family since 2022
Gwyneth has experience and training in:
- DIR/Floortime
- Cranial Sacral Therapy
- Feeding: Beckman Oral motor, Tongue tie, Sensorimotor feeding, The CAN-EAT approach
- Visual Deficits/ oculomotor skills
- Aquatic therapy
- Have worked with many diagnoses including ASD, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, feeding difficulties, oral motor delays, fine motor delays, and visual motor delays

Gwyn was born and raised in New York where she was a coach for a recreational swim team. This is where her interest in working with children and aquatic therapy stems from. She received her Master’s in Occupational Therapy from Utica College. After graduation, she moved to South Carolina where she worked with children in outpatient pediatrics, in-home, and in aquatic environments. Gwyn has experience working with children with a variety of diagnoses, including visual deficits, oral motor delays, fine motor delays, and visual motor delays, to name a few. Gwyn enjoys spending time with her family, her dog Winston, exercising, and crafting. She has recently relocated to the triangle area and is looking forward to eating her way around town.