Riane Wubbenhorst, MS, OTR/L
Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Part of the Emerge Family since 2022
Raine has experience and training in:
- Kinesiotaping
- Visual Perception & Visual Disorders
- Neuroception
- SOS Approach to Feeding
- Beckman Oral Motor Protocol
- DIR/Floortime
- Zones of Regulation
- Trauma ACEs (Adverse Child Experiences)
- Handwriting Without Tears
- Myofascial Release
- Working with children with diagnoses such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum
Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Feeding Disorders, Attention Deficit Disorder,
Psychological Trauma, Developmental Delay, and complex medical backgrounds.

Riane’s clinical approach is rooted in the understanding that children want to succeed, connect with others, and be accepted. As a parent she knows this is what she wants for her daughters. As a researcher, she knows that personalized quality care is correlated with patient success. As a therapist, she knows building trusting, meaningful, and authentic relationships produces the best outcomes. Therefore, she strives to develop an authentic relational foundation with each client to meet their goals and support their therapeutic journey. Riane is passionate about caregiver education, advocacy, and accessibility. She enjoys finding unique ways to incorporate sensory integration and neurodevelopment strategies within the home environment and school systems. Prior to obtaining her Master’s of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy from Grand Valley State University in Michigan, Riane spent 10 years conducting patient-outcomes research in Washington D.C and with the UNC. In her free time, she enjoys traveling with her family, attempting to garden, and randomly waving at any and all firetrucks with her two-year-old.