Emerge Pediatric Therapy welcomes prospective therapy students to volunteer with Emerge Clubs, as well as with our community events.

As a teaching clinic, we use state of the art equipment, evidenced based practice, highly trained clinical therapists, and a well developed program to provide quality observation experiences that enrich the volunteer positions.  Volunteering can be beneficial to the prospective student’s experience, prior to applying to and entering a graduate program.

Types of Volunteering Opportunities:

Emerge offers three main volunteer opportunities:
  • Emerge Clubs – These are our version of therapeutic groups and usually include 4-6 children per session. As a club volunteer, a student must agree to a weekly commitment. The club volunteer is vital to the smooth running of our Club programs. The student completes an application and mandatory orientation process. They will assist with set-up, clean-up, and assist throughout the club session. The number of volunteer positions are limited each season and are dependent on the number of clubs the clinic is running.

  • Internal Community Events – Throughout the year, Emerge Pediatric Therapy will host events for our community. We often need volunteers to help with planning, organization, event set up, breakdown, etc.

  • External Community Events and Job Opportunities – Occasionally, our community partners will request support from Emerge Pediatric Therapy and we will connect them to our database of volunteers. An example could be fundraising events, summer camps, school events, etc. We are also able to help Emerge families when they reach out to request our recommendations for caregivers, nannies or babysitters. We use our volunteer database as a resource for these requests as well.


Steps to Become an Emerge Volunteer

  • Please Fill out the Volunteer Database Application, which will include all necessary paperwork (confidentiality agreement, dress code agreement, and volunteer agreement) 
  • You will receive a Welcome Email confirming your submission within one week
  • When an opportunity arises, our Volunteer Coordinator, Laura Strenk, will send an email to Emerge’s entire volunteer database. If you are available, next steps will be included in that email.

Volunteer Dress Code Policy

When visiting Emerge, please follow the following dress code requirements:

  • Khakis/chinos, scrubs, or dark-wash jeans are acceptable pants. Please refrain from wearing distressed jeans, exercise pants, leggings, shorts, dresses, or skirts.
  • Collared shirts or simple tops and blouses are acceptable. Please refrain from wearing low cut tops and graphic t-shirts.
  • Only minimal jewelry, if any, should be worn. Nothing that a child could potentially pull off of you.
  • Wear shoes that can slip on and off easily. Socks are optional.
  • Emerge is a scent/smoke free facility. Refrain from wearing perfume or scented lotions.
  • Dress comfortably, while adhering to the above requirements.

Emerge Observation Hours Policy:

As a volunteer at Emerge, you (the student), are responsible for bringing an observation log in a timely manner for signature from our therapists. It is strongly encouraged that you bring this log with you to your shadowing experience for the clinician to sign at the end of your scheduled time. Hour logs can be signed at a later date, but need to be completed within a month of your shadowing experience.