Terapia ocupacional
La terapia ocupacional aborda las dificultades de integración y procesamiento sensorial, la coordinación motora y las dificultades de percepción para ayudar a los niños a desarrollar las bases que necesitan para tener éxito en las ocupaciones de la infancia: la escuela, el juego y las habilidades de autoayuda.
Terapia del lenguaje
Terapia física
Cómo empezar
Haga clic en el diagrama de flujo a continuación para obtener más información sobre cómo comenzar.
¿Por qué elegir Emerge?
“When we came to Emerge the first time, Bonnie said “We will give your daughter back to you.” Slowly, but surely we are getting her back. Today our daughter enjoys most of everything like a normal child. She not only enjoys swinging, hiking, climbing, but actually enjoys doing them with her sister. All the people at Emerge, the staff and therapist are family. They are present for every milestone and celebrate it with the same gusto that we do. Thank you Emerge for being there for us in good times and bad.”
“My two boys have seen tremendous improvements since they started working with the Occupational Therapists at Emerge - A Child’s Place. My oldest son used to sit alone at lunch and play by himself on the playground. Since learning new techniques from his therapist, he has been able to make friends and plays much more easily with others. As a parent, seeing this kind of a change means the world me!”
“In a matter of months, the therapists at Emerge have accomplished what others have been trying to do for years. I have seen such great improvements with him because the therapists here really focus on the total picture. Instead of addressing only on one issue at a time, they look at the big picture and tackle everything from balance, to self-confidence, handwriting and communication...”