by emerge | Aug 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
We are excited to announce… In addition to our in-house staff presenting on Executive Function, we will also have Sha’Ronn Brown from Connect to Learning, LLC with us on August 25th for our next parent workshop! She will have a table set up at...
by emerge | Jul 31, 2018 | Autismo, Colegio, Habla y Lenguaje, Información general, Programas emergentes, Terapia ocupacional
(Credito de imagen) Funciones ejecutivas: Las funciones ejecutivas son un grupo de habilidades cognitivas que incluyen la capacidad de anticipar consecuencias, generar ideas y soluciones novedosas, iniciar acciones apropiadas y monitorear el éxito o el fracaso en...
by emerge | Jul 31, 2018 | Autism, Emerge programs, General information, Occupational Therapy, School, Speech & Language
(Image Credit) Executive Functions: Executive functions are a cluster of cognitive skills that include the ability to anticipate consequences, generate novel ideas and solutions, initiate appropriate actions, and monitor ongoing success or failure. They allow us to...
by emerge | Jun 21, 2018 | actividades de motricidad fina, Habilidades sociales, Juguetes, Sin categorizar, Terapia ocupacional, Tocar
¿A su hijo le gustan las canicas? Si es así, aquí hay dos juegos para ti. Estos dos juegos casi idénticos funcionan en una amplia variedad de habilidades, que incluyen tomar turnos, coordinación...
by emerge | Jun 21, 2018 | Fine motor activities, Occupational Therapy, Play, Social Skills, Toys, Uncategorized
Does your child like marbles? If so, here are two games for you. These two nearly identical games work on a wide variety of skills, including turn taking, visual motor coordination, in-hand...