by emerge | Nov 16, 2020 | Autism, General information, Infant Development, Parenting, Play, Reading, Speech & Language
Language development can be both simple and incredibly complex. Some children seem to be born talking. Others seem to take their own sweet time. It can be a challenge as a parent or caregiver to know when your child’s language is okay and when to wait and...
by emerge | Oct 20, 2020 | Comida y bebida, Crianza de los hijos, Desarrollo infantil, Habilidades para comer/alimentarse, Habla y Lenguaje, Información general, Miología Orofacial, Programas emergentes
¿Sabías que los vasitos entrenadores no forman parte del desarrollo de la primera infancia? ¡¿Qué dices?! Lo sé, nuestras mentes también quedaron alucinadas cuando supimos esto por primera vez. Así que profundicemos un poco más. A veces son necesarios vasitos para...
by emerge | Oct 20, 2020 | Eating/Feeding skills, Emerge programs, Food and Drink, General information, Infant Development, Orofacial Myology, Parenting, Speech & Language
Did you know that sippy cups are not actually part of early childhood development? Say whaaaaaat!? I know, our minds were blown too when we first learned this. So let’s dig in a little more. Sometimes sippy cups are necessary. Your child’s daycare may...
by emerge | Oct 14, 2020 | Desarrollo infantil, Información general, Motricidad gruesa, Programas emergentes, Sin categorizar, Terapia física
Como cuidadores, hay muchas preguntas que dan vueltas en nuestro cerebro a todas horas del día o de la noche. Pueden consumir hasta. Mantennos despiertos por la noche. Nos estafó en extraños agujeros de conejo de Internet. Sabemos. Nosotros también hemos estado allí....
by emerge | Oct 14, 2020 | Emerge programs, General information, Gross Motor, Infant Development, Physical Therapy, Uncategorized
As caregivers, there are many questions that tumble around our brains at all hours of the day or night. They can consume up. Keep us up at night. Sned us down weird internet rabbit holes. We know. We have been there too. But if one of the questions you are...