by emerge | Aug 25, 2020 | Autism, Behavioral regulation, Community, Emerge programs, Floortime/DIR, General information, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, School, Sensory Processing/Integration, Speech & Language, Telehealth, Uncategorized
For many families, getting ready for back to school looks a lot different than it has in years past. Afterall, who needs new shoes and a bookbag when your school is inside your home and on a computer? As we embark into this new terrain, taking a minute to evaluate a...
by emerge | Jul 28, 2020 | Autismo, Comunidad, Crianza de los hijos, Habilidades sociales, Habla y Lenguaje, Información general, Regulación del comportamiento, Sin categorizar, Terapia ocupacional, Tocar
Qué significa usar mascarilla para el desarrollo social de nuestros hijos y cómo podemos ayudar a apoyarlo durante el COVD-19. Cuando pensamos en enseñar a los niños a reconocer las emociones, a menudo pensamos en ayudarlos a comprender que una sonrisa...
by emerge | Jul 28, 2020 | Autism, Behavioral regulation, Community, General information, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Play, Social Skills, Speech & Language, Uncategorized
What does wearing a mask mean for our children’s social development and how can we help support it during COVD-19. When we think about teaching children to recognize emotions, we often think about helping them understand that a smile means...
by emerge | Jun 8, 2020 | CAA, Crianza de los hijos, Habla y Lenguaje, Leer
La alfabetización es una excelente manera de desarrollar el lenguaje con todos los niños, incluidos los niños que usan métodos de comunicación aumentativos y alternativos. La comunicación aumentativa y alternativa (CAA) es un término general que se utiliza para...
by emerge | Jun 8, 2020 | AAC, Parenting, Reading, Speech & Language
Literacy is a great way to build language with all children, including children who use augmentative and alternative communication methods. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is an umbrella term used to describe forms of communication that are not verbal...