by emerge | Nov 5, 2018 | Autism, Community, Emerge programs, General information, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Play, Social Skills, Speech & Language
When we think about self-care, of course, we often think of ourselves. However, it’s important to start practicing self-care with your children as well. Especially because, at Emerge, we work with children who deal with a variety of diagnoses, and these kids may be...
by emerge | Jul 31, 2018 | Autism, Emerge programs, General information, Occupational Therapy, School, Speech & Language
(Image Credit) Executive Functions: Executive functions are a cluster of cognitive skills that include the ability to anticipate consequences, generate novel ideas and solutions, initiate appropriate actions, and monitor ongoing success or failure. They allow us to...
by emerge | May 23, 2018 | Autism, Emerge programs, Floortime/DIR, General information, Play, Social Skills, Speech & Language
Sé que eres logopeda… pero ¿a qué te dedicas? Y es mucho, mucho más que el sonido “R”… En honor al Mes del Mejor Habla y Audición, estamos observando de cerca la multitud de formas en que los patólogos del habla y lenguaje pediátricos (también...
by emerge | May 23, 2018 | Autism, Emerge programs, Floortime/DIR, General information, Play, Social Skills, Speech & Language
I know you’re a Speech Therapist…but what do you do? And it’s much, much more than the “R” sound… In honor of Better Speech and Hearing Month, we are taking a close look at the multitude of ways that pediatric Speech Language-Pathologists (AKA Speech Therapists)...
by emerge | Mar 19, 2018 | Autism, Floortime/DIR, Holidays, Play, Social Skills, Speech & Language, Toys, Uncategorized
Es la temporada. Camine por los pasillos de su supermercado favorito, Target o Dollar Tree, y verá estantes interminables de coloridos huevos de plástico. ¡Compre un paquete! O dos. Consigue algunos con caracteres, rayas o manchas. O los tres. Los huevos de Pascua son...
by emerge | Mar 19, 2018 | Autism, Floortime/DIR, Holidays, Play, Social Skills, Speech & Language, Toys, Uncategorized
‘Tis the season. Walk down the aisles of your favorite grocery store, Target, or the Dollar Tree, and you’ll see never-ending racks of colorful plastic eggs. Buy a package! Or two. Get some with characters on them, or stripes, or spots. Or all three. Easter eggs are a...