Autistic Masking

Autistic Masking

In this video, SLP Laura Strenk explains what some of the negative long-term outcomes of masking are and 6 ways you can support your child in being their authentic self, advocating for their needs, and learning how/when to mask. Autistic masking is when an Autistic...
Sibling Resources

Sibling Resources

Join our SLP Taylor Bryant as she discusses sibling relationships, support, and resources for discussing disabilities with neuro-typical siblings. She covers some of the most common worries and questions from siblings, and even a few books and community events that...
Introduction to LAMP for Caregivers

Introduction to LAMP for Caregivers

Join Laura as she provides a walkthrough of LAMP: Words for Life on an Accent device. LAMP, or Language Acquisition Through Motor Planning, provides core vocabulary while providing models using consistent motor...
Emotional Expression and Reading

Emotional Expression and Reading

This week’s Tuesday Anna Housman will be talking about how to use your child’s favorite books to help teach emotional expression and emotional perspective taking. Anna will read to you from “Jabari Jumps” and “There’s a Bear in my...