Sucking Habits On this week’s Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, & Tricks we are talking about Sucking Habits. Some times called Noxious Habits. Pacifiers, thumb sucking, finger sucking, hair or the end of a blanket. Learn when it’s okay and when it’s...
This weeks Tuesday” Talks, Tips, & Tricks is Part 3 of our “I Spy with my MYO Eye” series. Say So Long to the Sippy Cup! Did you know that the sippy cup is not actually part of early childhood development? Sometimes you just need to rely on a...
Phonological Awareness Alliteration Tuesday’s Talks, Tips & Tricks is all about Alliteration this week! This video is part of a 4-part series on phonological awareness. Phonological awareness is an important part of early literacy skills. If you have a...
Tethered Oral Tissues This week’s Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, & Tricks is the final installation of our mini series “I spy with my myo eye…” This week we are talking about tethered oral tissues (also know as TOTs or tongue tie). Learn some...
Ever feel like talking to your teen is like talking to a brick wall? This week, for Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, & Tricks speech therapist Anna Housman reviews some strategies she uses in her therapy sessions that help open up conversation with her teenage...