Sensory Bins
Tune in to this week’s Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, and Tricks to learn how to make a sensory bin at home with Laura and Lauren! They cover different textures you can use for the sensory bin and some quick and easy tips for set-up! You don’t want to miss...
Kid’s Perspective: OT
Think your child might benefit from OT (or PT or speech therapy) but just aren’t sure if they are ready? This week’s Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, and Tricks one of our speech therapists, Danielle Carey, interviews a very special guest (her daughter!) about...
Emotional Expression and Reading
This week’s Tuesday Anna Housman will be talking about how to use your child’s favorite books to help teach emotional expression and emotional perspective taking. Anna will read to you from “Jabari Jumps” and “There’s a Bear in my...