**Registration forms are available by clicking here **


Preschool Power
This is one of our most popular programs. It focuses on developing classroom participation skills, effective communication skills, and appropriate peer interactions. This program is co-led by a speech and occupational therapist.
For ages 3-5.

Write From the Start
We focus on letter formation and developing writing, fine motor skills, and visual motor skills using a variety of drawing, writing, and craft activities. Appropriate classroom behavior and social skills will also be addressed. Utilizes the Handwriting without Tears Program.
For rising Kindergarten and 1st graders.

Cool Cats
This innovative program uses sensory input in conjunction with cognitive strategies to develop coping skills and strategies for children demonstrating anxiety. Cool Cats includes relaxation activities, music and movement, arts & crafts, feelings exploration, and cognitive/behavioral strategies.
For ages 5-9.

Junior and Senior Explorers
These are social skills programs that focus on improving social skills, communication, and self-regulation using sensory motor activities, games, and concepts from “How Does Your Engine Run” Program and Michelle Garcia’s Social Thinking curricula.
Jr. Explorers is for ages 5-8 and Sr. Explorers is for ages 8-10.

Picky Eaters and Problem Feeders: S.O.S. Feeding Group
This group helps children expand their food repertoire and comfort with eating a variety of foods. The S.O.S. (Sequential-Oral-Sensory) Approach uses systematic desensitization and parent education and discussion to improve children and families feeding experiences at home and in the community.
For ages 5-9 years old.

**Registration forms are available by clicking here**