According to Feeding America, there are 1.2 million people in North Carolina that face food insecurity, 353,450 of which are children.
This means 1 in 6 children are facing food insecurity.

At Emerge, we have 6 core values that define our role in our community, the sixth of which being advocacy. With knowledge of the food insecurity in the communities we serve, we feel compelled to take action. Our first course of action will be to lead a food drive at all three of our locations (Durham, Cary, and Carrboro).
The food drive will be held from November 6th through December 22nd. During this time, each location will have a designated box located in the lobby to accept donations. As the boxes fill up, we will bring all donations to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. They are a food distribution service that have distributed 37,996,351 pounds of food, amounting to 31 million meals for those in need in the Raleigh area alone.
If you are able to give:
Please consider donating the following items. Click the button below to see a comprehensive list of the most needed items!
Canned goods: veggies, fruits, meats, beans, soup, dairy, etc.
Dry goods: cereal, oatmeal, pasta, rice, beans, baking, oils, herbs, beverages, etc.
Paper products: toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, diapers, wipes, etc.
Hygiene products: soap, toothbrushes, shampoo, tampons, pads, etc.
Cleaning supplies: detergent, disinfectant wipes, sponges, trash bags, brooms, etc.

If you are in need of assistance:
Feel free to take any items out of the donation box. No questions asked! If you would like discreet assistance, please talk to the front desk staff and they will be happy to help.
We have also compiled a database of food assistance services, including grocery deliveries, food pantries, hot meals, mutual aid, affordable grocery stores, and more! Click the button below to view this database and select your location using the tabs at the bottom of the page.
Advocacy through action is something Emerge is looking to be involved with for the foreseeable future. So, if you have any ideas on how Emerge can be involved in your community, please reach out to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Liason, Evan, at with your ideas!