Interactive Metronome

During an IM Session, children watch a game-like interface on a computer screen while listening to a reoccurring, adaptive beat via headphones. Children attempt to match the beat through tapping or clapping motions using sensors on the hands or at the feet. Children...

¿Qué es la escucha terapéutica?

La escucha terapéutica puede afectar la modulación sensorial, la atención, el comportamiento, la organización postural, la actitud defensiva auditiva, las dificultades del habla y el lenguaje e incluso el entrenamiento para ir al baño. Establecido típicamente como un...

What is Therapeutic Listening

Therapeutic Listening can impact sensory modulation, attention, behavior, postural organization, auditory defensiveness, speech and language difficulties, and even toilet training. Typically set up as a home program, Therapeutic Listening offers parents the...