by emerge | May 5, 2020 | Gross Motor, Handwriting, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Uncategorized
Most of us have found ourselves taking on a few more roles over the past month. If you are like me you are cooking at home a lot more. And also working from home. And oh yeah, also trying to keep your child educated (and entertained). We get it. Being a pediatric...
by emerge | May 4, 2020 | Autismo, Comunidad, Desarrollo infantil, Habilidades sociales, Habla y Lenguaje, Información general, Programas emergentes, Telesalud, Terapia ocupacional
¿Alguno de estos te suena? «Mi hijo estaba teniendo grandes arrebatos por pequeños problemas. Ya ni siquiera podíamos jugar en familia». «Estaba cansado de luchar tratando de cocinar una comida que mi hijo comería». «Soy una madre primeriza. Tengo tantas preguntas...
by emerge | May 4, 2020 | Autism, Community, Emerge programs, General information, Infant Development, Occupational Therapy, Social Skills, Speech & Language, Telehealth
Do any of these sound like you? “My child was having huge outbursts over small problems. We couldn’t even play games as a family any more.” “I was tired of struggling with trying to cook a meal that my child would eat.” “I’m...
by emerge | Apr 20, 2020 | Crianza de los hijos, Habilidades sociales, Procesamiento sensorial/integración, Telesalud, Terapia ocupacional
Aquí estamos en el siglo XXI, pero nos encontramos en medio de una crisis mundial que nos obliga a transportarnos a un tiempo diferente, un tiempo de llamadas de zoom, distancia social y reuniones y cumpleaños virtuales. Las escuelas están cerradas, las iglesias están...
by emerge | Apr 20, 2020 | Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Sensory Processing/Integration, Social Skills, Telehealth
Here we are in the 21st century but we find ourselves amidst a world crisis requiring us to transport ourselves to a different time, a time of zoom calls, social distance, and virtual reunions and birthdays. Schools are closed, churches are closed, most major...