Zen and the Art of Occupational Therapy

April is Occupational Therapy Month!  In celebration of Occupational Therapy, we present the following tribute to the profession, written by our Occupational Therapist, Andrew Klein, M.S., OTR/L.   “The real cycle you are working on is a cycle called yourself....

Recomendaciones de regalos navideños

¡Es la temporada! Si no has terminado tus compras navideñas, ¡no temas! ¡Estamos aquí para ayudarlo con una lista de los favoritos de los terapeutas para sus pequeños! Haga clic en el nombre del juguete para vincularlo a un sitio web para comprarlo. Muchos de estos...

Holiday Gift Recommendations

Tis’ the season! If you haven’t finished your holiday shopping, fear not!  We are here to help with a list of therapist-favorites for your little ones! Click on the toy’s name to be linked to a website to purchase.  Many of these toys can be found on...