by Emerge - A Childs Place | Sep 13, 2016 | Fine motor activities, Gross Motor, Occupational Therapy, Play, Sensory Processing/Integration, Speech & Language, Toys
September Toy of the Month: Bowling Photo from There are many cute bowling sets available from in a variety of styles. However, for a fun DIY project, make your own set! You’ll need the following...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Aug 23, 2016 | Colegio, Habla y Lenguaje
Las investigaciones nos dicen que las dificultades del lenguaje son la raíz de los problemas de muchos niños para aprender a leer (Catts, 2003). De hecho, más del 70% de los niños con dificultades de lectura en 2º grado tienen antecedentes de deficiencias lingüísticas...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Aug 23, 2016 | School, Speech & Language
Research tells us that language difficulties are at the root of many children’s issues with learning to read (Catts, 2003). In fact, more than 70% of children with reading difficulties in 2nd grade have a history of language deficits in Kindergarten (Catts, 1999)....
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Aug 15, 2016 | Behavioral regulation, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, School
Estrategias de transición de regreso a la escuela ¡La vuelta al cole está a la vuelta de la esquina! Mientras su familia disfruta de las últimas semanas del verano, considere estas estrategias proporcionadas por la psicóloga local, la Dra. Rachel A. Bowman, para...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Aug 15, 2016 | Behavioral regulation, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, School
Back to School Transition Strategies Returning to school is right around the corner! As your family soaks up the last few weeks of summer, consider these strategies provided by local psychologist, Dr. Rachel A. Bowman, to help your child transition back into the...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Aug 5, 2016 | actividades de motricidad fina, Habla y Lenguaje, Juguetes, Terapia ocupacional, Tocar
Este juguete incluye los siguientes materiales: ● 12 galletas de madera ● 12 ingredientes ● cuchillo de madera ● espátula ● Hoja de cookies ● guante de cocina Cómo jugar con el juego de galletas: ❏ Úselo para trabajar en la secuenciación. El conjunto tiene...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Aug 5, 2016 | Fine motor activities, Occupational Therapy, Play, Speech & Language, Toys
This toy includes the following materials: ● 12 wooden cookies ● 12 toppings ● Wooden knife ● Spatula ● Cookie sheet ● Oven mitt How to play with the cookie set: ❏ Use it to work on sequencing. The set has step-by-step instructions for making the cookies on both the...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Aug 3, 2016 | Autismo, Colegio, Crianza de los hijos, Habilidades sociales, Habla y Lenguaje, Información general, Procesamiento sensorial/integración, Programas emergentes, Regulación del comportamiento, Sin categorizar, Terapia ocupacional, Tocar
¡Emerge se complace en ofrecer una serie de talleres de educación para padres! Estos talleres están dirigidos por nuestro equipo de terapeutas ocupacionales y patólogos del habla y el lenguaje específicamente para padres y familias sobre una variedad de temas...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Aug 3, 2016 | Autism, Behavioral regulation, Emerge programs, General information, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Play, School, Sensory Processing/Integration, Social Skills, Speech & Language, Uncategorized
Emerge is excited to offer a series of Parent Education Workshops! These workshops are led by our team of Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Pathologists specifically for parents and families on a variety of popular topics such as development of social...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Jul 26, 2016 | Habla y Lenguaje, Información general, Juguetes, Terapia ocupacional, Tocar
Foto de: Guess Who aborda una serie de habilidades...