by Emerge - A Childs Place | Jun 2, 2010 | Uncategorized
Efficient sensory processing involves the ability to appropriately register, attend to, interpret, and execute a response to sensory input from the environment and from within the body. When an individual is unable to process information from the senses efficiently,...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Jun 1, 2010 | Sin categorizar
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Jun 1, 2010 | Uncategorized
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Jun 1, 2010 | Sin categorizar
A los 9 meses, su hijo: Siéntate de forma independiente. Muévase por la habitación (ruede, gatee sobre el estómago, arrástrese sobre las manos y las rodillas). Coma puré de comida de la mesa sin arcadas. A los 12 meses, su hijo: Tire para ponerse de pie y navegar...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Jun 1, 2010 | Uncategorized
At 9 months, does your child: Sit independently. Move about room (roll, crawl on stomach, creep on hands and knees). Eat mashed table food without gagging. At 12 months, does your child: Pull to stand and cruise (may walk independently). Pick up small objects between...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Jun 1, 2010 | Sin categorizar
Durham Ver mapa más grande
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Jun 1, 2010 | Uncategorized
Durham View Larger Map
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Jun 1, 2010 | Sin categorizar
Los terapeutas ocupacionales ayudan a los niños a cumplir con las ocupaciones diarias de la infancia (juego, escuela y habilidades de autoayuda). La mayoría de los niños remitidos a terapia ocupacional en Emerge demuestran dificultades para procesar información...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Jun 1, 2010 | Uncategorized
Occupational therapists help children succeed in meeting the daily occupations of childhood (play, school, and self-help skills). Most of the children referred to occupational therapy at Emerge demonstrate difficulties in processing sensory input. These children...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Jun 1, 2010 | Sin categorizar
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