Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists help children succeed in meeting the daily occupations of childhood (play, school, and self-help skills). Most of the children referred to occupational therapy at Emerge demonstrate difficulties in processing sensory input. These children...


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Preguntas frecuentes

Pero, ¿qué pasa con el costo de la terapia? Una de las primeras preguntas que nos hacen a menudo es el costo de la terapia. En Emerge, entendemos que la terapia puede ser costosa y hacemos todo lo posible para que la terapia sea asequible para los padres. La pregunta...

Frequently Asked Questions

But what about the cost of therapy? One of the first questions we are often asked is the cost of therapy. At Emerge, we understand that therapy can be expensive and we do everything we can to make therapy affordable for parents. The bigger question might be to ask...

¿Por qué elegir emerger?

Bonnie J. Hacker comenzó a ofrecer terapia privada en esta área en 1979. Fue una de las pioneras de la terapia ocupacional pediátrica en las áreas de Durham y Chapel Hill. Ella aporta su experiencia y apoyo a todo el personal de Emerge — A Child’s Place. Nuestro...

Why Choose Emerge?

Bonnie J. Hacker began offering private therapy in this area in 1979. She was one of the pioneers of pediatric occupational therapy in the Durham and Chapel Hill areas. She brings her expertise and support to the entire staff of Emerge — A Child‘s Place. Our staff is...

Nuestros Programas

Terapia ocupacional Los terapeutas ocupacionales de Emerge evalúan cuidadosamente el procesamiento sensorial, la coordinación motora, las habilidades sociales y de autorregulación de cada niño. La terapia está diseñada para ayudar a los niños a adaptarse y tener éxito...

Our Programs

Occupational Therapy The occupational therapists at Emerge carefully assess each child’s sensory processing, motor coordination, social and self-regulation skills. Therapy is designed to help children adapt to and be successful in the ‘occupations of...