Autism rates now 1 in 100

The CDC has issued new figures that places the incidence of autism at 1 child out of every 100.  This figure continues the alarming trend over the last 15-20 years of increasing incidence.  When I speak at conferences, invaribly someone will...

Preparándose para el regreso a clases

El regreso a la escuela a menudo es bienvenido por los padres, pero representa un gran cambio en la vida de muchos niños, más aún cuando están comenzando una nueva escuela o programa. Consulte el artículo a continuación para obtener muchos buenos consejos para el...

Getting Ready for Back to School

Returning to school is often welcomed by parents, but represents a big change in the lives of many children, even more so when they are starting a new school or program.  Check out the article below for lots of good back to school tips. 8 strategies to ease...