by emerge | Nov 5, 2018 | Autism, Community, Emerge programs, General information, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Play, Social Skills, Speech & Language
When we think about self-care, of course, we often think of ourselves. However, it’s important to start practicing self-care with your children as well. Especially because, at Emerge, we work with children who deal with a variety of diagnoses, and these kids may be...
by emerge | Aug 14, 2018 | Autism, Fine motor activities, Handwriting, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, School, Sensory Processing/Integration, Uncategorized
Es esa época del año otra vez: el verano aún no ha terminado, pero es hora de que los niños obtengan sus útiles escolares y preparen sus mentes para el aprendizaje en el aula. Muchos niños en edad escolar luchan por mantener la atención durante el día escolar,...
by emerge | Aug 14, 2018 | Autism, Fine motor activities, Handwriting, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, School, Sensory Processing/Integration, Uncategorized
It’s that time of year again: Summer is not even over, but it’s time for the kids to get their school supplies and prepare their minds for classroom learning. Many school children struggle to sustain attention through the school day, organize their...
by emerge | Jan 16, 2018 | General information, Infant Development, Parenting, Speech & Language
“My child’s speech seems delayed in comparison to his/her peers. Is it time for an evaluation, or should I wait and see?” Many parents question the need for an evaluation for their young children who are “late talkers.” Children typically begin producing their first...
by emerge | Oct 11, 2017 | Autism, Emerge programs, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Sensory Processing/Integration
October is Sensory Processing Awareness Month! At Emerge, we help children with sensory processing differences to participate more fully in their everyday activities. Children with sensory processing differences misinterpret sensory information within their bodies and...
by emerge | Sep 1, 2017 | Autism, Community, Emerge programs, Parenting, School, Speech & Language
“I have a birthday yesterday. Tomorrow on my birthday I gonna be four.” “We play that game yesternight.” “When I was two I’m going to eat cake.” Concepts of time are some of the trickiest for our kids to grasp. Words and phrases like yesterday, tomorrow, next week,...