by emerge | Jun 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
We frequently get asked by parents, what should I be doing while my child is in therapy? While we recognize that when bringing your child to therapy, especially at an outpatient clinic, it is tempting to want to use the time to take a break, have some respite, and...
by emerge | May 21, 2020 | Uncategorized
It is still so hard to fully understand and catch up with all the changes that we have ALL had to make in the past 2.5 months. We have greatly missed seeing all of our clients’ smiling faces in the clinic and look forward to seeing you all very soon. So many families...
by emerge | May 5, 2020 | Gross Motor, Handwriting, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Uncategorized
Most of us have found ourselves taking on a few more roles over the past month. If you are like me you are cooking at home a lot more. And also working from home. And oh yeah, also trying to keep your child educated (and entertained). We get it. Being a pediatric...
by emerge | Jul 18, 2019 | Emerge programs, General information, Infant Development, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Social Skills, Speech & Language, Uncategorized
Verbal imitation is an important part of children’s speech/language development and is often seen in children between 18-36 months (Sukaina, 2019). Echolalia also persists in as many as 85% of verbal children with autism spectrum disorders (Sukaina, U., 2019). The...
by emerge | Mar 1, 2019 | General information, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Social Skills, Speech & Language, Toys, Uncategorized
Not sure what’s going on in your household but WOW! We are noticing a lot of kiddos are getting sick right now! And sick kids means staying at home and likely battling the “I’m bored” statement. One solution the speech therapists at Emerge...
by emerge | Mar 1, 2019 | General information, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Social Skills, Speech & Language, Toys, Uncategorized
No estoy seguro de lo que está pasando en su hogar, pero ¡GUAU! ¡Estamos notando que muchos niños se están enfermando ahora mismo! Y los niños enfermos significan quedarse en casa y probablemente luchar contra la frase «Estoy aburrido». ¿Una solución que tienen los...