The Guppy Stretch for Infant Tension

The Guppy Stretch for Infant Tension

The Guppy Stretch is commonly used to help release tension in babies’ anterior neck muscles, chest, and mouth. In this video, Dr. Sarah shows you 3 ways you can do the Guppy Stretch at home with your...
3 Stretches for Infant Tension

3 Stretches for Infant Tension

Looking for simple stretches to incorporate into your baby’s routine to assist with body tension, midline control, and symmetry? This video covers the top 3 stretches that occupational therapist Dr. Sarah Johnson recommends for her infant...
Gift Guide for Babies

Gift Guide for Babies

It can be difficult to pick toys or gifts for a baby, especially toys that are developmentally appropriate and useful! Dr. Sarah Johnson walks through her top 5 gifts for infants age newborn to 1 year old. These toys will grow with your baby into toddlerhood and are...
Identifying Torticollis

Identifying Torticollis

Dr. Sarah Johnson explains what Torticollis is, how to tell if your baby might have Torticollis, and how to adjust their environment at home to support treatment. *While we do respond to comments and offer suggestions for treatment, we always recommend finding a local...
Benefits of Infant Massage

Benefits of Infant Massage

Did you know that touch is the most developed sense in a baby’s body? Touch is the main channel of how babies learn about their environment and it can be considered their first form of communication. In this video, pediatric therapist Erica Lord explains the...