“Be”: How to Play with Your Child

“Be”: How to Play with Your Child

Join our OT Nicole as she discusses ways to play with your children and being rather than doing!  Consider this a little parenting pep talk to remind you of your importance in your child’s life outside of feeding, clothing, and sheltering them!   Check out...
5 Handwriting Activities to try at Home!

5 Handwriting Activities to try at Home!

JOIN our our clinical director of occupational therapy as she discusses five activities you can try at home to promote handwriting in your child! These activities include making lists, scavenger hunts, and so much more! Each activity not only provides opportunities to...
All About Face Masks: Part II

All About Face Masks: Part II

Join us for this week’s Tuesday’s Talks Tips and Tricks – All About Face Masks Part Two. It features our speech language pathologist, Anna, discussing how a face mask can impact social development. In the video, you will learn how to support social...
The Vestibular System

The Vestibular System

This week’s Talks Tips and Tricks features our OT, Nicole, covering the vestibular system – one of our eight sensory systems! The vestibular system is responsible for recognizing when our body is in motion! When this system is out of sync, your child could...
Sneak Peek into Tummy Time

Sneak Peek into Tummy Time

This episode of Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, & Tricks you will get a chance to see what an occupational therapy session with an infant looks like! Lauren will be focusing on Tummy Time; how to make it more enjoyable, how to modify, and how to recognize signs of...