Infant Therapeutic Services

Infant Therapeutic Services

Infant Therapeutic Services Occupational Therapist, Dr. Sarah Johnson, explains the various therapy services available for infants at Emerge Pediatric Therapy. Our integrative care approach allows for most of your child’s therapy needs to be met under one roof!...
I Spy with my MYO Eye: Mouth Breathing

I Spy with my MYO Eye: Mouth Breathing

For this week’s Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, & Tricks, we have part one of our mini-series “I spy with my myo eye….”And today is all about mouth breathing! Learn about why mouth breathing is a concern and some tips to encourage nasal...
I Spy with my MYO Eye: Sucking Habits

I Spy with my MYO Eye: Sucking Habits

Sucking Habits On this week’s Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, & Tricks we are talking about Sucking Habits. Some times called Noxious Habits. Pacifiers, thumb sucking, finger sucking, hair or the end of a blanket. Learn when it’s okay and when it’s...
So Long Sippy Cups!

So Long Sippy Cups!

This weeks Tuesday” Talks, Tips, & Tricks is Part 3 of our “I Spy with my MYO Eye” series. Say So Long to the Sippy Cup! Did you know that the sippy cup is not actually part of early childhood development? Sometimes you just need to rely on a...
I Spy with my MYO Eye: Tethered Oral Tissues

I Spy with my MYO Eye: Tethered Oral Tissues

Tethered Oral Tissues This week’s Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, & Tricks is the final installation of our mini series “I spy with my myo eye…” This week we are talking about tethered oral tissues (also know as TOTs or tongue tie). Learn some...