Core Strength Series
Join Dr. Anne Wolfe, the clinical director of PT at Emerge, as she walks you through a series of exercises to strengthen your core! This series is fun and quick, and guess what? Not a crunch or sit up in...
Torticollis and Plagiocephaly
Torticollis & Plagiocephaly Join Dr. Sarah Johnson (OT) and Dr. Anne Wolfe (PT) as they dive into torticollis and plagiocephaly. This video is shot but pack with information about these two conditions, some red flags, and some possible...
Sensory Bins
Tune in to this week’s Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, and Tricks to learn how to make a sensory bin at home with Laura and Lauren! They cover different textures you can use for the sensory bin and some quick and easy tips for set-up! You don’t want to miss...