by Emerge - A Childs Place | Apr 24, 2011 | Uncategorized
Emerge offers a wide variety of summer programs ranging from those suitable for children with complex developmental needs to the student or athlete who wants to excel. If your child has developmental delays, including communication challenges, Asperger’s or mild...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Apr 24, 2011 | Sin categorizar
Emerge ofrece una amplia variedad de programas de verano que van desde aquellos adecuados para niños con necesidades de desarrollo complejas hasta el estudiante o atleta que quiere sobresalir. Si su hijo tiene retrasos en el desarrollo, incluidos problemas de...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Mar 28, 2011 | Procesamiento sensorial/integración, Regulación del comportamiento, Terapia ocupacional
Suponga que está en mi clase y estoy compartiendo información vital con usted. Ahora suponga también que he dejado caer una araña por la parte de atrás de su camisa, donde permanecerá durante la próxima hora. Te aseguro que no es venenoso y que debes ignorarlo. ¿De...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Mar 28, 2011 | Behavioral regulation, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Processing/Integration
Suppose that you are in my class and I am sharing some vital information with you. Now also suppose that I have dropped a spider down the back of your shirt, where he is to remain for the next hour. I assure you that he is not poisonous and that you should just ignore...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | Mar 24, 2011 | Uncategorized
Geared to students in preK thru First grade, Writing For Fun meets on Thursday afternoons. Engaging activities are used to build on a child’s current drawing and writing abilities and then advance their skills. The session is an hour and fifteen minutes, giving us...