Noche de rebote sensorial gratis

Esta es una gran oportunidad para brindarle a su hijo una hora de trabajo pesado y oportunidades potenciales para la interacción social. Los niños con problemas de procesamiento sensorial generalmente necesitan una dieta sensorial que les brinde información sensorial...

Free Sensory Bounce Night

Here is a great opportunity to provide your child with an hour of heavy work and potential opportunities for social interaction. Children with sensory processing issues generally need a sensory diet in place that provides them with consistent sensory input geared to...

How To Safely Wear a School Backpack

The American Occupational Therapy Association has published ten tips to avoid backpack-related health problems: Never let a child carry more than 15% of his or her body weight. This means a child who weighs 100 pounds shouldn’t wear a backpack heavier than 15 pounds....