Integrated Listening Systems

Emerge is excited to offer Integrated Listening Systems, a new tool to parents and children to address sensory processing, focus and attention, auditory processing, and speech. This tool expands on the Therapeutic Listening Program that Emerge has offered for many...

Tasas de autismo ahora 1 en 100

El CDC ha emitido nuevas cifras que sitúan la incidencia del autismo en 1 niño de cada 100.  Esta figura continúa el tendencia alarmante en los últimos 15-20 años de incidencia creciente.  Cuando hablo en conferencias, invariablemente alguien...

Autism rates now 1 in 100

The CDC has issued new figures that places the incidence of autism at 1 child out of every 100.  This figure continues the alarming trend over the last 15-20 years of increasing incidence.  When I speak at conferences, invaribly someone will...