by emerge | May 5, 2020 | Gross Motor, Handwriting, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, Uncategorized
Most of us have found ourselves taking on a few more roles over the past month. If you are like me you are cooking at home a lot more. And also working from home. And oh yeah, also trying to keep your child educated (and entertained). We get it. Being a pediatric...
by emerge | Aug 14, 2018 | Autism, Fine motor activities, Handwriting, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, School, Sensory Processing/Integration, Uncategorized
It’s that time of year again: Summer is not even over, but it’s time for the kids to get their school supplies and prepare their minds for classroom learning. Many school children struggle to sustain attention through the school day, organize their...
by emerge | Aug 14, 2018 | Autism, Fine motor activities, Handwriting, Occupational Therapy, Parenting, School, Sensory Processing/Integration, Uncategorized
Es esa época del año otra vez: el verano aún no ha terminado, pero es hora de que los niños obtengan sus útiles escolares y preparen sus mentes para el aprendizaje en el aula. Muchos niños en edad escolar luchan por mantener la atención durante el día escolar,...
by emerge | Aug 22, 2017 | Behavioral regulation, Community, Emerge programs, Handwriting, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Processing/Integration
Interactive Metronome (IM) is an assessment and treatment tool used to improve motor control and coordination, sensory processing concerns, cognitive processing, and attention and focus. Children with speech and language delays and/or other various physical...
by emerge | Aug 22, 2017 | Behavioral regulation, Community, Emerge programs, Handwriting, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Processing/Integration
El metrónomo interactivo (IM) es una herramienta de evaluación y tratamiento que se utiliza para mejorar el control y la coordinación motora, las preocupaciones sobre el procesamiento sensorial, el procesamiento cognitivo y la atención y el enfoque. Los niños con...
by Emerge - A Childs Place | May 19, 2012 | Emerge programs, Fine motor activities, Handwriting, Occupational Therapy, School
Have the children practice the components of writing, specifically circles, horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. Practice strokes in different mediums to provide sensory feedback, eg tracing on a sand or salt tray or in foam soap. Demonstrated how the letter or...