
Happy Dyslexia Awareness Month! Many people think of dyslexia as a disability that causes your brain to flip letter order or orientation, but dyslexia actually has a much broader definition! Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability, which means that it affects...

FAQs: Occupational & Speech Therapy for Adults

Does Emerge treat adults? Yes! We offer speech therapy and occupational therapy for adults. We are happy to announce that we are now in-network for Medicare clients! Do I have to sit at a small table or be in a gym with kids? No. We have various treatment rooms set up...


Dysphonia is an impairment of the voice and can be caused by various or multiple factors including laryngeal trauma, vocal overuse, medications, reflux, allergies or post-nasal drip, or reduced breath support. Some symptoms include a voice that sounds hoarse, raspy,...