Integrated Listening Systems

Emerge is excited to offer Integrated Listening Systems, a new tool to parents and children to address sensory processing, focus and attention, auditory processing, and speech. This tool expands on the Therapeutic Listening Program that Emerge has offered for many...

Autism rates now 1 in 100

The CDC has issued new figures that places the incidence of autism at 1 child out of every 100.  This figure continues the alarming trend over the last 15-20 years of increasing incidence.  When I speak at conferences, invaribly someone will...

Holiday Gift Ideas

I have been wanting to share this website Let's Explore for sometime, so when it popped again in a post in my Google Reader, I decided it was time to pass it along.  I love so many of the fine and visual motor materials offered by Let's Explore. ...

Photo Journalism Club

Last week was the first session of Emerge's newest handwriting program.  Handwriting practice can be challenging to make interesting.  So we decided to offer a program that combined taking pictures with writing.  The children participating in...

What is Proprioception?

Anna wrote: My question is regarding proprioceptive dysfunction.  Can a child with sensory processing dysfunction benefit from deep pressure massages like Reflexiology? What about Aromatherapy? Before I answer, let me give a little education regarding...