

Interoception Our body actually has 8 Sensory Systems! Did you know that? Our 8th, and “hidden,” sensory system is Interoception. This sense helps us to register changes within our bodies such as hunger, bathroom needs, and body changes related to emotion....
Virtual Success

Virtual Success

Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, & Tricks: Adjusting to virtual learning can be hard … for both caregiver and child! As you navigate this new school “norm”, Emerge is here to help your family virtually succeed! In today’s Talks, Tips, and...


This week’s Talks, Tips, & Tricks is all about Proprioception! Did you know this is the only sense that you can get too much of? Proprioception is the sensory that lets us know where our bodies are in space. This video is a short and sweet explanation of the...
Tips for Tactile Input

Tips for Tactile Input

This week’s Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, & Tricks covers tactile input. When we talk about sensory processing, one of the biggest areas of need in many of our kiddos is with touch. Check out Alexa’s video to learn about how children may be over- or...
Shoe Tying Tricks

Shoe Tying Tricks

Shoe Tying Tricks This week’s Tuesday’s Talks, Tips, & Tricks we are learning some trick to help make shoe tying a little...